Wednesday 23 September 2009

Finally some photos (part 2)

Umm - maybe this should be part 1. All this stuff happened before the previous post.

This is us in the dining car on the trans-mongolian between Ulaan Baatar and Beijing. We're sitting with Anna and Apia (Err - I don't know how to spell that), a couple of Swedish girls we met in Mongolia and spent quite a bit of time with.

According to the Rough Guide, this was an old shopping street in Beijing. When we got there, we found that they'd razed the old shopping street, and rebuilt it to look a bit old, but with space for H&M and Zara!

And these are all the things you're not allowed to do in said street. Awesome.

The Forbidden City, replete with Beijing smog!

Cooking school in Yangshou. It turns out that most chinese food consists of one spoon the oyster sauce, one spoon the chicken stock buillion, one spoon the soy sauce...

Stepping stones at Yangshou. Josh waited for me to get all the way across, camera poised in case I fell in. Sorry to disappoint!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, love the pictures! - trying to work out all the things that are banned - one of them looks like juggling! .. John xx
